What They Said

level of programming being taught at Gaonkar Technology is completely different than the other classes and helps a lot in developing logic. The knowledge I gained is useful for my future career.

Shruti Shirol

I practiced many sample programs on the system which helped improve my coding skills. There were regular tests that challenged my programming level and tested theoretical concepts as well.

Placed in HP(Hewlett-Packard) R & D, Bangalore

Nishant Kore

It's a gateway to explore our hidden talent....

Digambar Suryawanshi

This Institute helped me to build my career path successfully and today all of my colleagues appreciate me about my programming skill. I learned in this institute 6 + languages and 2 + databases which helped me to enhance my knowledge

Placed in John Deere India Pvt Ltd Pune

Omkar Patil


Gaonkar Information Technology

Panchavati Apartment 3rd Lane Rajarmpuri

Kolhapur -416008   Mobile:+919890215030


Quality Education
Lot of Practicals
Live Examples
Updated Technology
Developing Confidence

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